Preprints and Publications
In preparation: Bicommutant Categories from Conformal Nets (With André Henriques); Smooth Bordism Category with Topological defects of all codimensions as an n-uple Segal Space (With Severin Bunk)
Complete W*-categories. With André Henriques, and Dave Penneys. November 2024. [math.OA] (Submitted)
Dagger n-categories. With G. Ferrer, B. Hungar, T. Johnson-Freyd, C. Krulewski, L. Müller, D. Penneys, D. Reutter, C. Scheimbauer, L. Stehouwer, and C.Vuppulury. March 2024. [math.CT] (Submitted)
Condensed Matter Theory
Revisiting the topological classification of defects in crystals. With Anurag Gupta. June 2021. arXiv:2106.06699 [math-ph]
Spectral form factors of clean and random quantum Ising chains. With Henry Shackleton and Subir Sachdev. Physics Review E (Vol. 101, Iss. 4 — April 2020). arXiv:2001.06732 [cond-mat.str-el]
Cognitive Science
Interpersonal heart rate synchrony predicts effective group performance in a naturalistic collective decision-making task. With K. M. Sharika, Swarag Thaikkandi, and Michael L. Platt. (PNAS) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Vol. 121 | No. 21 May 21, 2024 [I contributed to the data-analysis of time-series using (MdRQA) Multidimensional Recurrence Quantification Analysis]
Subliminal priming of effect increases Sense of Authorship. With DevPriya Kumar. The 6th Annual Conference of Cognitive Science, 10-12 December, 2019, BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus. Conference Proceedings, page 35-38 . [This was a very preliminary investigatory study on a very small sample population conducted as a part of undergraduate psychology coursework and was not pursued further by me, more on sense of agency and intentionality of actions is being explored by Perception Action Cognition Lab, IIT Kanpur]